Hello, I'm Luke 👋🏻

I'm an engineering leader based in the UK. I’ve been working with Monzo Bank since February 2019 where I lead Platform engineering. In practice that means I'm responsible for the compute, storage, data platform, and engineering experience teams at the company.

I'm interested in distributed systems, reliability engineering and effective incident management. I love helping people and companies grow and scale, but I'm not currently open to new opportunities 📈

Previously, I've worked in a number of different technology and engineering roles with companies such as Energy Technology company OVO, luxury home and fashion retailer The White Company, and health and beauty retailer Boots. I've also spent some time in the public sector as a technology consultant with the Department for Education 👨🏼‍💻

If you’d like to get in touch, feel free to contact me through any of the social channels at the top ↗️


© Copyright 2023 - Luke Briscoe

☕ Made using the Pudhina theme by Knhash 🛠️